Draw near to God and he WILL draw near to you


I’ve been meeting and talking to a lot of people about Jesus and many of them seem to have a desire to know more but aren’t exactly sure how to go about that. So… I wanted to share a few resources that have helped me on this incredible journey of getting to know God and understanding how much he truly loves us. 

My first recommendation is to pray… Ask God to open your mind and your heart to his truth.  Then…read his Word. (I turn my phone off when I read or put it on airplane mode so there will be no distractions). I like having an actually book to hold (currently I am reading the ESV study Bible) but there are tons of free apps that allow you to highlight, write notes, etc. Starting in the gospel of John is my recommendation…I love learning what Jesus taught! And the more I read and learn about the Bible, the more I believe! I keep praying that God will strengthen my faith and he keeps doing just that : )

If you have that one friend, neighbor, coworker, great aunt, etc that has always encouraged you to know God, reach out to them! They will be SO excited about your desire and will want to help guide you! Hopefully, they can point you to a church that is committed to teaching God’s Word. This link is another resource to find a good church https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/churches/ Being connected to a church family is WONDERFUL! Most people are so welcoming, loving, and eager to help in any way. You will feel a sense of belonging and be encouraged by the one another.

–Bible.is is a free app that reads the Bible to you! In 1186 different languages! You can listen to the Word of God on your way to work, while taking a walk, or even while soaking in a bathtub! Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.

Daily Bible verse app. This is a free app that sends you one Bible verse every morning!
Sermon Jams!  These are short, powerful parts of sermons with music and visuals added to them.  Some are only a few minutes, check them out on youtube!

You also can watch full sermons online. A few of my favorite preachers are Francis Chan and Derek Prince. They are so passionate about the Lord and very knowledgeable about the Bible. So…you don’t need to wait until Sunday to hear a great message and best of all…you can watch from your couch… in your pjs!

–Christian Music!  I used to roll my eyes when my Mom would say, “you should try listening to some Christian music.” I thought it was lame….but now…it’s pretty much all I listen to!  I put it on while cleaning or cooking and all of a sudden, those sometimes mundane activities turn into worship! I use Pandora and choose the contemporary christian channel.  As you listen you might find an artist you really like then you can add that station. (Lauren Daigle is one of my favorites) There are even some Christian rappers…so whatever type of music you like, there is something for everyone!

I love K-Love (http://www.klove.com) while I’m in the car! Their catchphrase is “positive and encouraging K Love”  You really cannot help but be encouraged by this music.

Update 2020:

Before I begin reading a new book in the Bible, I head over to Bibleproject.com and take a few minutes to check out their neat, hand-illustrated visual overview of that particular book. I really love this project and bet you will too! (Also available on YouTube; bible project + name of book)

Check out The Chosen on YouTube or on The Chosen app. This show is the first multi-season tv show about the life of Jesus and it’s really cool!

I hope you find these resources helpful and remember God’s awesome promise in James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.<

An Attitude of Gratitude

A few years ago, I heard on the radio that one way to up your happiness level was to start every day with a prayer of gratitude. I made a commitment to do that and what a great decision that has proved to be!

The first thing I do in the morning is thank God for all my blessings. It’s the BEST way to start my day! It’s nearly impossible for anyone to be discontented and grateful at the same time. So, instead on dwelling on what I don’t have, I choose to be thankful for all that I do have. I think of God’s never-ending love for me, my family, my friends, my health, etc. I also thank God for all the simple pleasures I enjoy: the beautiful sunrise, the birds singing, the fresh air, the warmth of the sun on my skin, the trees, the colorful flowers, the night sky lit up with stars, and my ability to see all of this beauty!

The Bible teaches us to give thanks. So…of course, science has determined that it is indeed good for us! Harvard medical school states that, “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” Also, according to the journal Cerebral Cortex, gratitude stimulates two parts of the brain; the hypothalamus (the part that regulates stress), and the ventral tegmental (the area that produces the sensation of pleasure).

Here are some practical tips to cultivate an attitude of gratitude 🙂
-Practice it! The more thankful you are, the more thankful you will be! : )
-Keep a journal of what you are thankful for… Jot down 3 things every morning.
-Let someone know that you are thankful for them! That will make their day brighter and certainly yours too! : )

I’m thankful that you read this post and I challenge you to start each day with a prayer of gratitude. Try it out for a few weeks and let me know how it goes…my hope is that you will find yourself full of joy! : )

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Click the link below for more information:

Why gratitude is good

Let the sun shine in… and face it with a grin : )

Vitamin D3 is vital to your overall health and most people are deficient in it and don’t even know it! There is good news though! The most effective way to increase your levels is by safe sun exposure…which is free and feels wonderful! : )

Vitamin D3 aids in the prevention of many cancers (including skin cancer), autoimmune diseases, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, depression, Alzheimer’s and many other conditions. It also promotes good bone health, healthy immune systems, and has infection fighting abilities that help with colds and the flu.

Here are a bunch of articles/studies about how healthy vit d levels can improve so many aspects of your health; just read the headlines and you’ll be shocked (I was!) at the wide spectrum of health problems that can be lessened (or cured) with simply getting enough vitamin d3! http://www.naturalnews.com/vitamin_d.html

Enjoy the SUN at the correct time of day
Ultraviolet light from the sun comes in two main wavelengths – UVA and UVB. UVA is considered the ‘bad rays” because they penetrate your skin more deeply, increase your skin cancer risks, cause more free radical damage and photo aging of your skin. UVB rays are the “good rays” that produce vitamin d in your body. It is important to know that these UVB rays only reach the earth (and your skin) when the sun is above a 50° angle from the horizon. In most places in North America, this occurs from about 10am-3pm, March through October. I use this app SunServeyorLight to see the exact positioning of the sun since it changes throughout the year and depends on where you are on the earth. In general, the optimal time to be in the sun is the closest to solar noon as possible (during daylight savings, this is around 1pm).
Limit your time in the sun
If you are fair-skinned or haven’t spent much time in the sun, it’s recommended to start out with 10 -15 minutes of direct sun exposure. Pay attention to your skin and find some shade when it has turned the lightest shade of pink. If you are darker skinned, you will probably need to stay in the sun longer (yay!). I always wear a hat to protect the skin my face since it is thinner and more prone to wrinkles and aging.
I apply organic, extra virgin, unrefined coconut oil (the same oil I cook with ; ) before heading out to get my daily dose of vitamin d. It has been said that it has a natural SPF of about 2-8, and that it prevents free-radical reactions. Also, if it’s one of the main fats in your diet, your skin will already have an added layer of protection against getting burned.

Protect your skin
There doesn’t seem to be any benefits of being in the sun when it is below 50° (early morning and late afternoon), since the ozone layer reflects the beneficial UVB rays but the more dangerous UVA rays still get through. Frequent exposure during these times increases your risk of skin cancer.

If I plan to be out in the sun for a long time (surfing, boating, etc.), I wear protective clothing, seek shady spots or wear a safe sunscreen. Most of the sunscreens you will find at the store are loaded with toxins and actually increase your cancer risks! The environmental working group (ewg.org) does a wonderful job of researching many personal care products and let’s you know which ones to use and which ones to avoid.
https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/ EWG’s 10th annual guide to sunscreens

I watch my sun exposure very closely and make sure I do not get burned. If you get sunburned, apply aloe vera (the gel from a fresh plant is best) to help repair and heal your skin. And then, please, don’t ever let yourself burn again ; )

Random thought:
Sunlight filtered through a window will not be beneficial as the “good” rays (UVB) will not get through but the harmful UVA rays will and this can increase your risk of skin cancer. Many people that drive long hours in the car develop skin cancer on the arm that is exposed to the sun.

What to do when you cannot get vitamin from the sun
In the winter months, especially if you live in the north, the sun does not get high enough in the sky for the UVB rays to reach us. This is when I use a good quality Vit D3 (not d2) supplement. I take 5,000IUs/day or double that if I’m not feeling 100% and need a immune system boost.. This is the one I use:  http://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Vitamin-Code-Capsules/dp/B005JAT318 Under $20 for 2 months…totally worth it!

If you decide to take a vitamin d3 supplement, make sure you are also getting sufficient amounts of vitamin K2 (preferably from your food, cheese and cheese curds are excellent sources). One of the many benefits of vitamin d is that it helps your body absorb calcium (great for bone health). There is evidence that vitamin K2 directs that calcium to your skeleton, while preventing it from being deposited where you don’t want it.

Experts recommend getting your blood levels of vitamin d tested. There are two different test…the one labeled 25(OH)D- also known as 25-hydroxyvitamin D is the one you want since it is a better marker of overall D status. (Some doctors will offer 1,25(OH)D but you can usually ask for the other one).

Daily Vitamin D3 Dose Recommendations:
Under 5 years old: 35 units per pound
Age 5 -10: 2,500 units
Adults: 5,000 units


ALL of these recommendations are from my own research and experience. I am not a doctor, just a girl who wants to spread the good news about easily improving your health with optimal vit d3 levels!

Enjoy the beautiful sunshine and have a blessed day!



How to HIIT your workout!

I recently sent this email to a friend who is trying to get in shape. He’s changing his diet (most important step) and wanted a fitness routine that he could stick to!

This is an edited version of what I sent him, just in case anyone else can benefit from it…

High intensity interval trainings (HIIT) are short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest. These short burst boosts your body’s natural production of human growth hormone (HGH), the hormone that keeps you young! That’s just one of the benefits, others include boosting weight and fat loss, improving strength and stamina, and overall improving your health : )  Many studies have shown that HIIT is the ideal form of exercise. And the great news is…it usually takes less than 20 minutes!

There are many variations of high intensity interval training. The one my family (even my 68 year old dad!) and I have been doing is 20 seconds of exercise, then 20 seconds of rest. I pick 6 exercises and do each one 3 times. The total time from start to finish is 12 minutes! And, you are really only working out for 6 mins, because half the time you are resting! Sweet! But…because of that, you really have to push yourself to the max for the 20 seconds on!
I am following the guidelines from MaxT3, the workout portion of Maximized living. They have a CD you can purchase that explains all this in more detail and has a bunch of workouts to follow.  http://maxt3.com

You can start out by downloading a free timer app. I use this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pimpimmobile.
I set it to beep every 20 seconds for 36 rounds (18 of those will be rest periods).

I do a few minutes of warming up then choose 6 exercises. I like to split it up and do arms, legs, and core all on separate days. That gives the other parts of the body time to rest and recover.

Some examples of leg exercises: Squats, walking/standing lounges, calf raises, good mornings, jumping knee slaps, step or jump ups, etc.
Some examples of arm exercises: Pull-ups or jumping pull-ups, push ups, dips, presses, curls, etc.
Some examples of core workouts: Sit-ups, sissor kicks, bicycle, straight leg raises, roll ups, jack knives, etc.

If you are not familiar with some of the moves from my list, watch a quick youtube video explaining how to do it. You will be going fast and working hard so having the correct form is important. If you cannot do one of the exercises, just replace it with a different one, the possibilities are endless!
If you are just beginning, I wouldn’t use weights, but as you progress, can can add them in. I would also not push yourself too hard as you will probably be sore enough from just starting a routine. As always, listen to your body.
I do this workout wherever I am and I don’t usually have any equipment except for a workout band that is convenient for travel and can be used for alot of different exercises (mostly arms). One is banded pull aparts, where you hold the band with two hands, and just pull apart. It sounds easy, but tiring after 20 seconds of high intensity pulling!  I also use whatever is available for weights; water bottles, laundry detergent bottle, cans of soup, etc.

So…when are you going to start? Today? : ) Tomorrow? It only takes 12 minutes! That’s my favorite part of it! Many people take that long just to drive to the gym!

After a workout, I reward myself with a delicious shake made with whey protein from grass fed cows, unsweetened almond milk, and usually chia or hemp seeds.
There is an exercise recovery phase of about 2 hours after your workout and you should be aware of what you are eating and restrict your sugar intake. Mostly because if you have too many carbs, your body will releases the hormones called somatostatin and that in turn will shut down the production of HGH. You want that wonderful hormone to be circulating in your body for the full 2 hours! The higher levels of HGH in your body, the healthier and stronger you will be! And after the age of 30, your levels of HGH begin to drop pretty dramatically, which progresses the aging process. So…just another reason to commit to 12 minutes of a high intensity workout and avoiding sugar for 2 hours afterward.

I would always recommend  avoiding sugar (except some fruit) and those foods that turn to sugar (bread, rice, pasta) but that is a subject for another day! : )

Good luck in starting or switching up your exercise regime! I’ll be rooting for you my friends!

I tried to keep this short and sweet but here are a few links if you are interested in learning more:



*I am not a certified trainer or nutritionist, I am just sharing what I have learned and experienced over the last few years.

My first blog post!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I’m glad you are here! Would you like to join me on this wonderful journey of health!? Say yes and we’ll be together all the way! Encouraging each other with tips, resources, and lots of love!

My journey started about 2 years ago when my sister and I walked into a Maximized Living chiropractor’s office. The doctor taught us about our body’s amazing ability to heal itself and how to remove anything that would interfere with that power (sugars, toxins, stress, etc.). He changed our whole view on health!

Ever since I was a young teenager, I tried many diets and believed that being fit would be a lifelong struggle filled with ups and downs, hour long workouts, weighing my food, low fat this, non fat that, and never being truly happy with my body.
NOW…I just eat REAL food, workout 12 mins a day, eat plenty of “good fats”, and finally feel confident in my own skin! I enjoy food more than ever and this has been the first time that I have not been “trying to lose weight”…it just happens to be a sweet side effect of getting healthy! Along with increased energy, improved focus, better sleep, no headaches, more happiness…and the list goes on and on! Give your body what it truly needs and you will feel the love it gives back.
As I’m sure you can tell, I am super excited about all this and just want to share, share, share!

I will also be blogging about my other passion…traveling the world! I have picked up some tips on how to do it more economically and always jump at the opportunity to help others do the same!