
I’ve been meeting and talking to a lot of people about Jesus and many of them seem to have a desire to know more but aren’t exactly sure how to go about that. So… I wanted to share a few resources that have helped me on this incredible journey of getting to know God and understanding how much he truly loves us.

My first recommendation is to pray… Ask God to open your mind and your heart to his truth. Then…read his Word. (I turn my phone off when I read or put it on airplane mode so there will be no distractions). I like having an actually book to hold (currently I am reading the ESV study Bible) but there are tons of free apps that allow you to highlight, write notes, etc. Starting in the gospel of John is my recommendation…I love learning what Jesus taught! And the more I read and learn about the Bible, the more I believe! I keep praying that God will strengthen my faith and he keeps doing just that : )
If you have that one friend, neighbor, coworker, great aunt, etc that has always encouraged you to know God, reach out to them! They will be SO excited about your desire and will want to help guide you! Hopefully, they can point you to a church that is committed to teaching God’s Word. This link is another resource to find a good church https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/churches/ Being connected to a church family is WONDERFUL! Most people are so welcoming, loving, and eager to help in any way. You will feel a sense of belonging and be encouraged by the one another.
–Bible.is is a free app that reads the Bible to you! In 1186 different languages! You can listen to the Word of God on your way to work, while taking a walk, or even while soaking in a bathtub! Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.

You also can watch full sermons online. A few of my favorite preachers are Francis Chan and Derek Prince. They are so passionate about the Lord and very knowledgeable about the Bible. So…you don’t need to wait until Sunday to hear a great message and best of all…you can watch from your couch… in your pjs!

–Christian Music! I used to roll my eyes when my Mom would say, “you should try listening to some Christian music.” I thought it was lame….but now…it’s pretty much all I listen to! I put it on while cleaning or cooking and all of a sudden, those sometimes mundane activities turn into worship! I use Pandora and choose the contemporary christian channel. As you listen you might find an artist you really like then you can add that station. (Lauren Daigle is one of my favorites) There are even some Christian rappers…so whatever type of music you like, there is something for everyone!
I love K-Love (http://www.klove.com) while I’m in the car! Their catchphrase is “positive and encouraging K Love” You really cannot help but be encouraged by this music.
Update 2020:
Before I begin reading a new book in the Bible, I head over to Bibleproject.com and take a few minutes to check out their neat, hand-illustrated visual overview of that particular book. I really love this project and bet you will too! (Also available on YouTube; bible project + name of book)
Check out The Chosen on YouTube or on The Chosen app. This show is the first multi-season tv show about the life of Jesus and it’s really cool!
I hope you find these resources helpful and remember God’s awesome promise in James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.<