An Attitude of Gratitude

A few years ago, I heard on the radio that one way to up your happiness level was to start every day with a prayer of gratitude. I made a commitment to do that and what a great decision that has proved to be!

The first thing I do in the morning is thank God for all my blessings. It’s the BEST way to start my day! It’s nearly impossible for anyone to be discontented and grateful at the same time. So, instead on dwelling on what I don’t have, I choose to be thankful for all that I do have. I think of God’s never-ending love for me, my family, my friends, my health, etc. I also thank God for all the simple pleasures I enjoy: the beautiful sunrise, the birds singing, the fresh air, the warmth of the sun on my skin, the trees, the colorful flowers, the night sky lit up with stars, and my ability to see all of this beauty!

The Bible teaches us to give thanks. So…of course, science has determined that it is indeed good for us! Harvard medical school states that, “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” Also, according to the journal Cerebral Cortex, gratitude stimulates two parts of the brain; the hypothalamus (the part that regulates stress), and the ventral tegmental (the area that produces the sensation of pleasure).

Here are some practical tips to cultivate an attitude of gratitude 🙂
-Practice it! The more thankful you are, the more thankful you will be! : )
-Keep a journal of what you are thankful for… Jot down 3 things every morning.
-Let someone know that you are thankful for them! That will make their day brighter and certainly yours too! : )

I’m thankful that you read this post and I challenge you to start each day with a prayer of gratitude. Try it out for a few weeks and let me know how it goes…my hope is that you will find yourself full of joy! : )

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Click the link below for more information:

Why gratitude is good