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Try this low-carbohydrate pizza crust!


  • 1 8oz package Grass Fed, Organic Cream Cheese
  • 2 Whole Organic Free Range Eggs
  • 1/2 Cup Parmesan cheese


  • Beat ingredients until well blended.
  • Spread it evenly on parchment paper
  • Bake 400 for 8 minutes or til tan/caramel brown. You want it to look kind of like a flour tortilla.
  • Let it cool, so it won't burn while the toppings cook.
  • Add your choice of Sauce, Cheese and Toppings and cook until the toppings are done; about another ten minutes.


Enjoy your high protein and fat, low carb pizza crust! You can also put Italian seasons and garlic powder in the batter for a garlic bread like taste!
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